Sunday, May 22, 2016

Section: 2 Internet Security Small Business Lessons from the Nissan Leaf

Internet of Things (IoT) cybers security and freedom Nissan leaf

Editor Note: This is part two of the small business owners and executives, technology should understand the fundamental issues surrounding these events include legal protection, and consequently the potential of the data tools fertility and backdoor endpoint encryption. Part of this piece are eligible small business owner knows, cyber security is under attack

Wikipedia defines the Internet of Things (IoT): the network of objects - tools, vehicles, buildings and other embedded items, electronics, software, sensors and network connection that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

The consequences of fertility data protection tools and backdoor endpoint encryption.

IoT freedom for Nissan Leaf

Researchers have shown that a security program flagship relationship between Nissan and its Leaf electric car can be transmitted over the network.

This is because the connection authentication and requires only knowledge of their own vehicles. Nissan called the Nissan EV, can control a vehicle's climate control and monitor the status of the driving range.

Further investigation revealed that the data related to the visit, including the frequency and distance can be obtained through the Access API, there is no question. Because VINs are displayed in the windshield, a hacker could potentially exploit these with relative ease.

Nissan has revealed about these issues for the first time on January 23 and was reportedly working on solutions to these problems, no one has yet even been implemented. The company has been removed from its stores while it's running on a solution, and customers should worry off their cars from accessing the program as a means of preventing a disturbance.


While the FBI wants us to believe that the effect of the judgment, which forced Apple to assist in obtaining access from one or a small number of iPhone is not far reaching, it would have created a dangerous and clearly.

Should the government, Apple has the strength to break the encryption Federation of the iPhone, which is the very nature of encryption can be broken easily as the government can force any and into the Backdoor potentially all the main display technology security useless.

No entity, it is the federal government or anyone else, can effectively protect freedom of access to confidential and completely as their backdoor will surely become the most searched after by hackers, foreign governments, and competitors.

When exploitation who got loose - and they inevitably will within a short period of time - it would be a way to put the genie back in the bottle. Essentially, the security as we know it - however flawed and imperfect it may be - will be a thing of the past.

Access into the system Nissan Leaf unsafe (IoT on wheels) has expressed concerns facing the space is recovering.

IoT and another endpoint plan - developers may be working in a number of patents under false pretenses encourage them escape from the enterprise security policy and who needs to be put to rest immediately.

CEO must ensure that endpoints are protected and put in policies that address the fallacies.

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