Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to set goals and preferences into your small business

The top 10 for the creation of passion and purpose in your work now.

Proverbs very useful in life and one of my favorites has always been: Do what you love and the money will come. "The problem is, it's a lot easier said than done, I have not witnessed this much in my life. In fact, what I have seen is quite the contrary.

Full 20+ years in my choice and a professional career as a coach, what stood out for me is that most people want to be passionate about their work and, in fact, know what they love since they have children, but has been making a living instead in a career developed through caused by external circumstances that have little to do with what they love.

Most of us succumb to the will of our parents, society, culture, etc. We do not believe that we can make a living doing what fills our hearts. I know that I did not for a long time. That is until the pain of not doing something meaningful has become greater than the fear of taking the biggest risk of my life so that I could experience the love and joy, again in my work.

My small business enterprises start

Enterprise, small business, I started 15 years ago, was founded in the idea that we can conduct our business with purpose and passion. And we do. But it takes courage and deliberately every minute of every day. We have a successful, profitable and growing.

What we do to transform lives and make the world a better place. But here was not without pain. Well, I'm here to tell you that after all these years, I've learned that other infamous proverb "No pain," is a lie.

Or at least, it does not have to be true. I've come to understand that many of the sources of difficulty that I have as a business owner in their core belief that making a central living doing what I love is hard. It was a tough, difficult and incredibly as you believe it to be. Period.

To change a belief - and that's what it will take - you have to start somewhere.

Where now is right here where you are at this time.

My belief is that the purpose and passion have nothing to do with the circumstances.

To simplify, let us say that the aim is to have to mean. And that to have a hobby is something, deep love.

If you want to have a deep love for your work and for it to be meaningful, and if you want to be able to make a living with the work that you do not have to limit your ability. And you really do not believe that it's very difficult to have this! You can begin to change your reality by creating a deep love and meaning in what you're doing now. By doing so you will improve your own game and start to attract into your life more meaningful and more jobs.

There is no limit to what you can create when you come from a place where you have a purpose and passion already. That's because "like attracts like.

Here are our top 10 for creating your passion and purpose now:

10. When you have a legitimate complaint.

Rather than let it go, brother, take it to someone who can do something about it. If that is not possible, choose to let it go. And then!

9. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Understanding the opportunity to take on projects that align with reality.

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