Sunday, May 22, 2016

Edupreneurship global movement is growing in the right place

There are six core areas where it is more precise than in education.

During the industrial era, and even at the beginning of the knowledge economy has a serious barrier to entry for entrepreneurs and creative limits even larger for a radical change from developing countries and disadvantaged communities, social, economic or cultural.

Students, parents, women, teachers receive voice

For the general population in these countries - students, parents, female teachers - the possibility in the past, but get the sound get access to capital, and finally making a big thing has happened, such as the likelihood a remote in the past, such as to seem almost a dream.

Immediately XXI century came along and the pace of technological change increases. The introduction of new forms revolutionary media and the development of English-language Global who helped dismantle barriers and start a dialogue on the subject are necessary as the value of education, which is the urgent need to care better for our planet inequality and the problems it spawns, and the power of this rich, just name a few.

A new era

Today we are truly seeing the beginning of a new era, one in which all of us can be the founders, along with the opportunity to increase the capital from our minds and contribute to solving important that continue to affect those living in the world around us .

There are some areas where it is more precise than in education.

It is only through education that this vision can become a reality for all.

But it is because of the way we think about education is changing almost every dimension:

1. The role of the teacher

2. what the new generation is expected,

3. Review of Space Physics

4. The integration of event data, analysis, adaptive learning, a method which is based on the project, formal learning options MOOCS, virtual reality, and many other new ideas into the educational experience

5. How to prepare students for future economic

6. The importance of education is an issue on the global agenda

For me, it was about five years ago, I started to realize just how exciting the world can become.

I have 25 years experience in technology, marketing, communications and consulting, both as an employee and as an entrepreneur. I have lived in four countries and speaks three languages. I've been a teacher for 18 years.

Five years ago, all of this experience finally started to make sense. Education is a field of mine of interest, but I want to get through into the technology and entertainment, focusing on Latin America and continue to be a space for experiments, networks, learning, and innovation well into my future.

After five years, I can assure you that it has paid off. I have met with hundreds of people interesting, being exposed to modern ideas in the world, has taken the brand relevant and play and study, has worked with hundreds of institutions, thousands of students and teachers and to influence directly to thousands of solutions learning are affecting millions of students in the network more than 20 countries.

But perhaps the most moving experience, all of them became my role in relations with Edupreneurs around the world.

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