Sunday, May 22, 2016

7 ways an old-fashioned method of payment, subject to your sales

Does your small business only accept certain types of credit cards? The point of Sale Is there anything decades out of date? Do you perform business services for clients, and then wait a week to send them a bill (by snail mail)?

Here are seven of the old-fashioned methods to accept payments can be made to affect your company.

1. It is wasting time and money.

Invoices or bills and the cost of the time you print out invoices, envelopes, and stamps placed on (or to pay staff to work at all). Then there's the time to wait for payments to come to open the envelope and check. If you do not accept electronic payments, you get the money in your account, and if you connect your accounting software into your business bank account, you can get instantly updated figures.

2. It's a down payment.

The performance of the service will return to the office to print and send invoices one, then wait weeks for a return payment in the mail means the money spent more time in transit than it does in the bank accounts of your business. You can make your business more quickly by using the payment methods such as payment modern electronics and accept card payment or payments online. If you are a business owner who has to meet the audience of the action at home or customers this office in the implementation of services such as landscape or cleaning the carpet, look into one payment that allows you to create and bills that are present from the Tablet, or a smartphone, right to your house, or the customer's office.

3. It makes your business look outdated.

Millennium particular progress using their smartphones in the banking sector with the flagship of its financial management and use of payment cards and not cash. If they want to pay for products or services with a smartphone or your own card, you will be able better to make it happen, or risk losing their business.

4. It does not offer an option for customers.

Consumers today have more choices about where to spend their money, so if your business is not being offered a choice of what they want, it is common for them to go elsewhere. Including options on how to pay. Some people prefer to pay with cash cards because they hate. Others want the ultra-convenience of mobile payment devices such as Apple Pay. Small business owners will provide a smart choice as much as possible to attract customers as much as possible.

5. It's your business at risk.

Cash can be lost or stolen, while payments made by card payments into your bank account immediately, but there are concerns about employee theft or burglary. Starting from October 15, the terminal without a business credit card with EMV chip technology will be liable for fraudulent losses: The risk is greater if you do not migrate to EMV technology.

6. It is your customer base.

Small business owners today have more options for taking payments than ever before. If you sell a product, for example, you run a food truck or jewelry handmade local crafts fairs and events where you used to be limited to cash only. That means customers who are unhappy without enough cash on hand to buy for you and a loss of sales. Now you can use mobile payments to swipe the credit or debit card, or right on the smartphone, your tablet. This opens up a world of opportunities for consumers to make an impulse purchase, and for you to make money.

7. It is your average sale.

Customers who use a payment card spend more money on average than those who use other forms of payment (cash or check). By accepting payment cards, you're making it easy for customers to impulse buy or stock up without being limited by their cash on hand. Why set limits on what customers can get?

Are you ready to upgrade your business to accept payments?

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